Profile ARC-038: Rubus

Owned by Noibat


24 | M | Bisexual

Ru is a serious, cautious yet kind fellow who prefers not to mince words. He is not without a humorous side, but it tends to be rather dry and only funny to a few. Ru loves Pip with all his heart and will become very vicious towards those who hurt Pip intentionally - only recently this protectiveness extends to Mina - as he has always been by Pip's side practically since the day they hatched.

If you spot Rubus, you're more likely to see Pip not far from him due to how much he worries about Pip. He doesn't worry as much if he knows that Pip is at their home or in a nearby park as the plants can guide Pip in his place. Or if Mina is being lazy and hitching a ride on Pip's head, he can trust her to guide Pip with less pranks than the plants.

Friends and what not;

Pippin - The love of his life and dearest friend.
Mina - She's like that annoying little sister that you can't get too angry at or leave behind.
Jewel - He finds Jewel's antics more tiring that Mina's and wishes she would not keep leaving them with the bills when they eat at the tavern.


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