Site News

💘 February Newsletter 💘

Posted 4 days and 21 hours ago :: Last edited 4 days and 21 hours ago by Batbites

While Coldreach still has its icy grip on Etherios, people are looking forward to the festivities that happen during the month of February. It’s a month of relationships and connections. Friends, families and lovers alike all come together to appreciate each other. Gift giving, writing letters to one another and making memories are just some of the ways Etherians celebrate this month.

Mini-Event: Month of Valyn

February surrounds a figure in history known as Valyntine. She was a princess well known across the land from her affectionate, giving nature. Valyn had a heart of gold, loving both her kingdom and her people to the point where she had no unrest and peace prospered under her reign. Citizens celebrate her memory during this time.

- Collectables 

Will RNG be in your favor? Each mod and NPC have a collectable valyntine card within the Valyntine Loot. Collect all 7!

  • Alaric
  • Faolan
  • Phyrrus
  • Nox
  • Ace
  • Jai
  • Bats

- New Prompts!

Each prompt will reward Valyntines Loot!

  •  Will You Be My Valyntine?
    • Design a valyntine card of your own!
  •  Roses are red, violets are blue, here’s a gift for you!
    • Draw or write about your Arcanai gifting someone!
  •  Creating Memories
    • Draw or write about how your Arcanai will make memories this Valyntines!

- New familiars

  • 4 Valyntines themed groobi have been spotted!
  • A strange worm is on the loose in the library, better check the romance section.

- 💘 Moderator Adopt Sale 💘

  • 3 valyntine themed Arcanai have appeared, check them out HERE.


- New collectables.

In the Shivering Fjords you have a chance to find new collectables and complete new collections for TS! This will be a permanant foraging site and more will be added as time goes on.

  • 4 new fish.
  • 4 new herbs.
  • A cute bug friend.
  • More to be added!

Site Updates

- Economy Overhaul

We are working on changing our pricing model for the economy behind the scenes. With your vote, 5 TS = $1 USD will be our ratio moving forward. Shops are re-opened to reflect the new pricing model.

- Shops

  • Fantastical Shoppe is open with new stock.
  • General Shoppe is restocked.
  • New items coming to both soon!
    • Design overhaul items, more fantastical trait options and more.
  • New shoppe?
    • Familiar shop...
  • Artwork in the works for all of them!

What’s Coming:

March Anniversary:

 March is our anniversary month! Which means celebrations and goodies. This is our one year celebration!

  •  MYO Event
  • Party familiars, new and old!
  •  Raffles
  • Free gifts


  • Return of the questline to earn a special badge.
  • A new mini-event.
  • New permanent currency, Faedust!
  • New familiars.
  • New foraging daily area.

Site Updates:

  • Adoption Center
    • This will be a way to sink more TS and adopt some cuties other people have surrendered. Timeframe for this is give or take by end of April. 
  • Hatchlings
    • Arcanai breeding event!
  •  V3 Upgrade
    • This is still on the horizon but with costs, may come later around April-May. During this time, we’re going to be cleaning up un-used extensions and updating current ones.


That is all for now, thank you for reading! Please stay tuned for more undates in the near future. Happy Valyntines month!

⭐January Newsletter ⭐

Posted 1 month and 2 weeks ago :: Last edited 1 month and 2 weeks ago by Batbites

Good evening, Etherians!

I hope you’re all having a pleasant Coldreach so far. December is coming to a close and ushering the New Year in! Our staff team is still enjoying their time off until the 5th of this month, but I have some updates to release. Please continue reading to get the latest news!


New Prompts

A new monthly prompt is up on the site, New Year's Resolutions. Show us what your Arcanai would like to achieve in 2025!

Three more side prompts have been added! Party Time, Build A Snowman & Coldreach Fashion.


New NPC & Story

Lumaris - The Rogue Astronomer

The start of a 5 part questline has emerged, beginning with Pt. I: Mountain Mysteries! 

Travel north to meet a mysterious, hermit astronomer with fascinating powers in the unforgiving Shivering Fjords.


Contest Results

Shopkeeper Contest 

  • Congrats hydroxyzine777  I loved the scruffy, chaos vibes of the design you made and definitely reminds me of someone who’d own a shop!

Familiar Contest

  • Congrats to Cinder! I loved the overall concept of a snake who inhabits various items. There’s lots of potential and different ways I can make them fit all sorts of biomes!

I’ll still be going through the other Familiar submissions to see how I can introduce them. You all had such precious ideas and I definitely would love to incorporate them!

Rewards will be sent the coming days for the winners, keep an eye on your inboxes!


New Year Goodies

Go check out the general shoppe and pick up some goodies for the New Year!


On a personal note, thank you all for participating and being a part of the species. Right now I’m still taking things relatively slow, but things are being made in the background! I'm in a bit of creative slump with motivation with the website which is why things have been quiet. I hope you all have had happy, safe holidays!

Here’s to 2025!


🌫️ November Newsletter 🌫️

Posted 3 months and 2 weeks ago :: Last edited 3 months and 2 weeks ago by Batbites

🎃 November Updates 🍬


Happy spooky season adventurers! This month is somewhat quiet with a lot going into the background work with Coldreach coming and IRL things being busy! That being said, there are some things to add.

📜 MYO Event 📜

The free MYO event has come to a close! Submissions for the event will no longer be accepted.

That being said, the MYO Event Shop is open until Monday the 4th! Claim your goodies if you have not already.

🛍️ General Shoppe 🛍️

The shoppe has been restocked with some sold out items! This includes the FTO box & slot.

Remember, we need your help designing the NPC! Check out the contest!

❤️ Monthly Featured Character ❤️

A new character has been chosen for November! Draw them to be entered for next month for a chance to be featured!

🖌️Contests 🖌️

Both of the Familiar & NPC design contest have been extended until Nov 30th! Plenty of time to get your ideas out there!

Make sure to get your entries in! I'd love to see everyones creativity.

⚔️ Void Wyrm Boss Fight⚔️

The fight has been extended until the end of this month! Don't let this vile creature escape your claws, destroy them for exclusive goodies!

A new prompt has revealed itself. Submit the "DAILY DAMAGE" prompt to deal a random amount of DMG between 5-10! This does not require art or extensive writing, but also does not reward anything but damage!

📚Bo & MOrti Adventure📚

The next two chapters of the Seasonal Story has been revealed! Go aid Morti and put those souls to rest. Complete them all to reveal the last quest . . .

Coldreach is coming  . . .❄️

🎃 October Newsletter 🎃

Posted 4 months and 2 weeks ago :: Last edited 4 months and 2 weeks ago by Batbites

🎃 October Updates 🍬


Happy spooky season adventurers! This month is somewhat quiet with a lot going into the background work with Coldreach coming and IRL things being busy! That being said, there are some things to add and tease.

🛍️ General Shoppe 🛍️

The shoppe has been restocked with some sold out items! 

Remember, we need your help designing the NPC! Check out the contest!


❤️ Monthly Featured Character ❤️

A new character has been chosen for October! Draw them to be entered for next month for a chance to be featured!


📜 Free myo event 📜

This has been extended until Oct 31st! Make sure to tell your friends if you think they'd enjoy this species!


🖌️Contests 🖌️

Both of the Familiar & NPC design contest have been extended until Nov 30th! Plenty of time to get your ideas out there!


👻 Questing with Morti 👻

Keep an eye out, the next chapter releases soon! When it releases, you'll be pinged in discord!


⚔️ New Type of Prompt - Boss Battles! ⚔️

That's right, you guys are going to be able to gather your friends or solo bosses! This is a community prompt and takes the effort of everyone to chip away at the bosses HP. Damage scales with the type of submission you turn in and the more damage you guys do, the better prizes you'll recieve! The best prizes come out when you defeat the beast.

Come meet your first enemy, The Void Wyrm!


🍃 September Update 🍃

Posted 5 months and 1 week ago :: Last edited 5 months and 1 week ago by Batbites

MYO Event Has Begun

Thats right, finally the MYO event is up! Check it out HERE.

  • You can join without being FTO! Its for everyone!
  • Shop has free gifts for users that can be claimed once!


New contests are up

We've got two new contests for you guys to participate in! Go to prompts > contests category!

  • Design a NPC for our General Shoppe!
  • Design familiars for Etherios!


Shops updated!

Shops are updated and restocked!

  • Umbraveil shop got more loot!
  • Fantastical & general shoppe are restocked!
  • New shop for the MYO event.



New design is up for raffle in our discord!



  • Trait index art is being worked on. Meanwhile, old images have been uploaded for quick glance for designing.
  • New hub for guides has been made! It will be added to the nav bar soon, in the meantime, check it out HERE.


🍂 September Newsletter 🍂

Posted 5 months and 2 weeks ago :: Last edited 5 months and 2 weeks ago by Batbites

"The celebrations of Sunwake have died down, most people returning to their homes as the air grows cooler. Leaves on the trees have begun shifting hues, whispers of souls and haunting things alike rippling across towns. The time for Umbraveil has come to Etherios. This is a season of harvest, hauntings and other activties. While some enjoy the light-hearted, fun aspect of this time; others look to collecting souls or simply avoiding the eve all together."

Welcome to Umbraveil.


☀️ Sunwake ☀️

Sunwake has officially retired for 2024. While I didn't achieved as much as I hoped to, I know that next year there will be far more to add onto the event and delve into! Thank you to everyone who participated in both Sunwake & the artfight based event! We will definitely be hosting another next year. Please don't fret if you were not able to gather everything you wanted, they will all come back with even more variants next Sunwake!


🕯️ Artificer Applicants 🕯️

Please welcome our new designers! 

@ch_art_reuse astersigh @cyndablu

Other designs are still up for sale and will remain open until bought! Feel free to poke either myself or the artists to purchase them from our last sales. Umbraveil sales will be coming soon, including a gacha!


📜MYO Event📜

Our MYO event will be dropping this week once I return from vacation! It will be our first site based one. Even if you're not FTO, you'll be able to collect some goodies and a MYO scroll!


Misc. Site Updates

  • New prompt guide has been added! You'll see a link on current open prompts. Now you can easily see all available bonuses to your questing!
  • New monthly quest!
  • New Etherian of the Month is up! Remember, if you draw them, you'll be given a chance to be the next EotM!
  • More guides are actively being worked on as well as re-ordering the navigation bar on top.
  • New extensions and features may be coming soon.


👻 Umbraveil Activities 👻

With the new season comes new activities and other goodies!

  • Explore a new main seasonal questline! Part 1 is up. Each part will be released each week! Seems like a new face is in town and needs your help.
  • New side quests are up for grabs! Earn that loot!
  • A new shop has opened for the season. Go check it out. Beware, the owner says its not totally finished and they are working on adding more things!
  • New traits are out! (More may be added. . .)
  • New site colors and theme for the season.


Huh, whats this? Here, take it! It seems important.


🔥August Newsletter 🔥

Posted 6 months and 1 week ago :: Last edited 6 months and 1 week ago by Batbites

🕯️ Artificer Applications 🕯️

Etherios is calling on designers for the upcoming season, Umbraveil! Come join us to create some spooky designs for this term.

Apply to join our designer team for Umbraveil!



🐚 Seaside Surprises sale 🐚

Our artificer team created designs for you guys to come oogle! All prices and terms are labeled.

Please remember by purchasing any of these designs, you agree to the Etherios TOS & the designer's!

Look HERE!


📜Upcoming Events & Updates📜

  • August raffles!
    • These will be hosted on discord, make sure you're in there!
  • Site renovations & re-ordering! Aiming for Sept. 1st for things to be moved around. Update will include:
    • New navigation order.
    • Guides
  • New season is coming, Umbraveil!
    • New traits!
    • New NPC & Story!
    • New Familiars!
    • New activities!
  • I hear there may be another MYO event soon...


☀️ sunwake is coming to an end... ☀️

With the chill coming to the air and colors beginning to shift, Sunwake is beginning to go back to bed! Make sure you get everything you want. Things will return next year with even more content!

  • Scavenger Hunt ends
  • Summer Shop Closes
  • Sunwake Prompts End


🌌 Artfight Raffle Results 🌊

Thank you for joining our nifty little event and gathering some exclusive things in the process! Announcing the winners of the raffles as follows  . . .

The winner for Stardust is  . . . Batbites

The winner for seafoam is . . . tasmathian

For now that is it! August will be quiet in preparation for the coming season and bunches of activites to go with it!

🌊 July Newsletter 🌊

Posted 7 months and 2 weeks ago :: Last edited 7 months and 2 weeks ago by Batbites

🌊 July Newsletter 🌊



  • Sunwake is still in full swing! Keep grabbing your loot and joining in on the Sunwake fun!
  • Flameweaver's Questline continuation will be released soon!
  • Sunwake trait visuals are still being worked on. Thank you for your patience!
  • It seems like some seashore friends may be looking for homes soon . . .
  • Roaring Flame raffle is still going on, get your tickets! 


2024 Artfight - Etherios Edition!

This year we will be participating in Artfight in our own way! While we won't be tracking points or enforcing teams, you can earn raffle tickets and Treasure Shards for submitting Etherios related attacks! Rewards you can earn are:

  • An exclusive on-site badge for participation!
  • Exclusive Seafoam and Stardust Groobi familiars! (You can have both, don't worry.)
  • Special raffle designs. You earn a ticket with every prompt submission!
  • Treasure Shards!

To participate, make sure you attack someone's Etherios Art Fight character and submit the prompt! You'll recieve a strange key, which will grant you access to the exclusive shop to purchase your goodies free of charge! Every submission you make will earn you raffle tickets for the two legendary designs, themed after each team.

Submit your artfight templates to the Team Cards gallery for players to find and attack you! Card templates are here >  SEAFOAM or STARDUST!

July MYO Event

With the launch of the Lorekeeper, I wanted to host another MYO event similar to the original one we had! There will be more raffles and fun events hosted on the discord, plus another raffle on site announced later!

Even if you are not a FTO, you'll be able to earn rewards within the tiered rewards list.

Stay tuned, this will be announced on the coming weekend!



Another feature of our website includes referring your friends to join the website and have fun in the species! Rewards include treasure shards, trait charms and even MYO slots! Make sure to tell your friends to put your username in the "Referred By" section to get rewarded!


July Monthly Quest & Featured

New month, new quest! This also includes the Character of the Month being changed on our site!


General Site Updates

  • Treasure Shard drops have decreased significantly.
  • Rarity of Sunwake Trait Charm was bumped up.
  • MYO Scroll rarity was bumped up.
  • Guides are being reworked slowly but surely!

☀️ June Update ☀️

Posted 8 months and 1 week ago :: Last edited 8 months and 1 week ago by Batbites

☀️ June Update ☀️


Faetide festivities have come to an end for this year! All prompts & shoppes are unable to be purchased from or completed. That being said, we have rewards to hand out for our two contests!


The Fleeting Emerald DTA

There were only a few entries total, so all are winners in our books!

The winner of The Fleeting Emerald design is . . .Spiritowl!

Your story was a wonderful narrative to read and really brought personality to this character. Also shed some cool ideas into the forest and fae life within Etherios!
Congrats on your new baby!

And of course, our runner ups, Snoodle-Tea & Ch_Art_Reuse!

You also wrote an enchanting narrative to pair with the glowy Arcanai. We absolutely loved the overall atmosphere of your piece! And the animation art piece was STUNNING. 

Originally the runner-up winner prize was x15 TS + Faetide loot, but, with lack of entries we’ve decided to bump this up! x25 TS + 1 Faetide Loot + 1 Sunwake loot!

Congratulations to the both of you!

Now onto our fiery designing contest,


A Roaring Flame!

There were more entries to this contest which is awesome! It was difficult to choose a winner, but in the end we narrowed it down! First let's announce the runner-ups!




All were unique in their own way and took interesting spins on the fire fighting concept!

Now for our winner . . .Tasmathian!

We loved overall the vibe of the design and the broodiness. It definitely gave off a sassy, determined, blazing fighter! All participants will be rewarded! Thank you for everyone’s entries, we hope you guys will join future ones!

Now with the official end of Faetide, we go into more with Sunwake!


Sunwake has only just begun and there is certainly more to come within the season of the sun! To start, there’s a whole new familiar type!


Gliding among the reefs in huge groups, these creatures are surprisingly friendly. They come in all sorts of colors and shapes, tiny to massive! Seems you can collect a few to start. They’ve been added to the Sunwake loot!

Storyline Quest

Go meet the Flameweavers! Coming to the island, you’re met with a new face who’d love to show you around. Why don’t you join him? Meet our new NPC, Pyrrhus and join in on the sacred festival dedicated to Ignis by visiting the prompts page!

Extra Notes:

More art assets are on their way! Working on them slowly but surely.

That is all for now! Thank you guys!

☀️ June Newsletter ☀️

Posted 8 months and 2 weeks ago :: Last edited 8 months and 2 weeks ago by Batbites

☀️ Hello June and our first website newsletter! This is going to be a hefty newsletter, so please read through everything, it's worth it! ☀️

🏠 🏠

The time has come to sunset our! Our Lorekeeper website is ready to launch and it makes no sense to keep full functionality with our, not when everything is now centralized within Lorekeeper! Please note, we will be keeping data and other things that we’ve uploaded there. In the coming weeks, the world will have some changes done to it to direct new users to register on Lorekeeper.

We will still use for advertising and display of information.

🌼 Faetide 🌼

Normally, Faetide would end today and the launch of Sunwake would begin. Well, with the early closure of forums and some people not getting to participate, we are extending Faetide activities until June 8th!

Note that Faetide activities have been transferred here onto Lorekeeper where you will be able to submit your prompts. Quests, items and traits are on the website. The only thing missing is the shoppe, which will go up shortly! (tweaking the coding)

Now for the most exciting thing, LOREKEEPER!

This has been a process to say the least and I am so thankful that I’m able to set up a website, so quickly too! HUGE thanks to our coder Camy, who has worked her booty off to ensure things get done. Please note, things may still be wonky and some things may not work. If you find anything, PLEASE PLEASE report it. Let us know. We want to get things smoothed out as quickly as possible.

Lorekeeper brings a plethora of new features and easier capabilities to you. This includes auto transfers between members, prompt submissions with a queue with auto rewards once approved, dailies with currency, shops that you can buy from, easy masterlists, automated MYO slots and much much more.

How do you get signed up? Well it’s pretty simple, read on!

Start by clicking REGISTER and start getting your account all set and verified. You’ll get an email to have your account verified. 

Couple things to note:
✦ Your username does not need to match your username.

✦  Make sure to link with your account, Deviantart linking is not working at this moment!

Once this is done, you’re going to need to get your inventory transferred to you + any characters you own! Please read through this form and answer all questions!

📜 Inventory Transfer Form 📜

Click Me!

If you have any questions or confusion, please ask in the Discord server! Note that transfers may take up to 72 hours. We will do our best to get everything done in a timely manner as we can!

Once your account is all good to go, you are free to poke around the site and see what you can find or start prompts, if you’d like!

🔥 New Event - Sunwake! 🐚

It’s time to join your peers and make your way to the  Emberforge Archipelago! The fabled Flameweaver’s Festival is underway, a celebration dedicated to the fiery child Ignis.

With a new season comes a new event and new loot! Sunwake is in full swing along with the extension of Faetide. Please note, not ALL Sunwake assets are finished and things will be coming out in the next week while we finish up the last season. June 8th is when another large announcement will be made.

What does Sunwake bring?
✦ Flameweaver’s Festivities Questline & Lore

✦ New Familiar Variants!

✦ New Familiar type, Glissrays! (To be revealed soon...)

✦  New side quests!

📣 Weekly Updates & Newsletters 📣

There will be monthly newsletters set up on the Lorekeeper from now on, and announced in the discord. As the site is updated, we will ping in our Update channel every week on the discord if there is a substantial amount of updates!

For now I believe that is it, happy Sunwake & Pride month travelers! (I'm gonna try to add in some pride related things here soon! Hehe)
If you have any questions, ping staff in the server. We will try to answer as quickly as we can!

Huh...?  What's this. Maybe you should grab it?

Sunwake Loot