Submission (#288) Approved
8 November 2024, 21:31:37 CST (3 months ago)
12 November 2024, 19:46:03 CST (3 months ago) by Batbites
Valkyrie slunk to the ground belly dragging while crawling towards the beast. She stopped once she was within approximately ten feet of the beast. Io watched as Valkyrie simple raised her right paw in the air above her large ears which were current pinned back. She then made a loud sound attracting the attention of the warm, which quickly moved towards her, once it was within striking distance the impulsive Arcanai struck its beak-like maw repeatedly like a cat batting and inanimate object, as the beast stood still in shock for a moment. Io took this time to move around the beast to find a weak point for their next attack.
ARC-069: Valkyrie / Val
No rewards set.
ARC-076: Io
No rewards set.