Submission (#294) Approved
9 November 2024, 10:15:39 CST (3 months ago)
12 November 2024, 20:18:48 CST (3 months ago) by Batbites
While Valkyrie was napping the wyrm in the face, Io used his magik to summon steel claw covers for his paws. He quickly slid them on him paws making opening an closing him paws to check the fit before crouching, and raising his wings. With one strong jump and a downstroke of his wings to help him up he landed on the back of the beast. Valkyrie finally had to stop and move as Voidcall began to make swipes at her with its long and sharp claws. At this point Valkyrie was acting as a distraction as Io was getting in position to attack as well. Io steadied himself on the back of the beast and chose a spot right behind a spike along the spine as one of the safer spots for him to stay and with one set of claws sunk into the spike he chose he used the other set pf metal claws to scratch at the beast. This would be to determine what they need to do to truly damage the beast in question.
ARC-069: Valkyrie / Val
No rewards set.
ARC-076: Io
No rewards set.