
Earth Magik (Common)

Category: Magik

The very ground will answer to your calling! Being able to manipulate rock, minerals, lava or the trunks of trees and the flora that blooms. 

Fire Magik (Common)

Category: Magik

Fire wielding Arcanai have a powerful magik to master if they choose. From being able to light candles and campfires to explosive fireballs and raining meteors from the sky and beyond!

Death Magik (Legendary)

Category: Magik

To bring back the dead is forbidden, yet there are those who do. Death magik users can do just that, or siphon life itself to turn their opponents into a husk. They can raise armies of the dead, steal lifeforce and waste away entire cities with ease if they are not opposed.  

Not all Death magik is entirely evil in nature. Some use it to commune with the passed and departed, using it to guide those lost back to a familiar place move on in the Magistream. These individuals who aid in such tasks are called Soulguides. 

Void Magik (Legendary)

Category: Magik

Considered worse than Death itself, Void energy is all consuming and violent. It drives its users to insanity if not controlled properly and is the cause of the Calamity. Using this magik can wipe out enemies in troves and send them to madness, swallowing them in infinite darkness never to be seen again.

Celestial Magik (Legendary)

Category: Magik

To manipulate the astral plane is to call upon space itself. They boast the most powerful of psychic abilities and can take multiple astral forms, manipulate the stars and the planets, harness the highest form of raw Magik and cause devastation.

Time Magik (Legendary)

Category: Magik

Harnessing this Magik is a burden to bear. They keep things in order, making sure the timeline of Etherios is safe and undisturbed. Never does a Timekeeper interfere with fate, but they must witness it all. The wrath of Time includes slowing time itself to even stopping it, reversing and leaving you spinning in an infinite loop in your own timeline.

Soul Magik (Rare)

Category: Magik

Mysterious and not fully understood, Soul magik is deeply complex and full of strange power. This magik deals directly with the souls of living beings, not those passed. They cannot bring back the dead, but they can take souls for their own gain. Infusing weapons, using raw souls to inflict damage or even creating soul creatures. 

Blood Magik (Rare)

Category: Magik

Frowned upon in society, Blood magic is both gruesome and invasive. The user can manipulate their own blood or their enemies from the inside out. It is incredibly painful and if not used correctly, will often result in serious injury or even death.

Mind Magik (Rare)

Category: Magik

Entering the depths of another's mind gives endless possibilities. Inflecting pain through telepathy, reading thoughts, influencing others, even telekinesis. Some say they can even glimpse into the future.

Summoning Magik (Rare)

Category: Magik

Summoning magik is both scary and very sought out to be trained by Arcanai. Having this type of magik allows the user to call upon powerful familiars, weapons or even artifacts. These are dismissed at will and are bound to the user.

Light Magik (Uncommon)

Category: Magik

While shadow users take solace in the night, light users thrive in the light of the sun and harness it to create blinding power. Beams of burning light, smiting opponents and becoming a beacon is their call.

Arcane Magik (Uncommon)

Category: Magik
Taking raw magik energy and harnessing it to create spells is how Arcane was born. It takes no influence from elements, but can be manipulated to bolster magik powers, enchant things or inflict pure damage.

Water Magik (Common)

Category: Magik

Soothing to the touch yet dangerous if used offensively, the magik of water has lots of variation. Healing is a common use of this magik, but manipulating waves and bringing a flood is not off the table either.

Air Magik (Common)

Category: Magik

Controlling gales and using them to deliver speedy, sharp attacks or to aid in long flights is an Air users specialty. They can fly better than most and don't need wings while also being able to summon violent windstorms and even tornados! 

Life Magik (Uncommon)

Category: Magik

Life magik taps into the living essence of creatures. Plants, animals, even other Arcanai. It's used for advanced healing but can also be used to communicate to other living beings for aid.

Storm Magik (Uncommon)

Category: Magik

Lightning, rain, thunder, all of it is at a Storm Arcanai's disposal. Summoning bolts of lightning to zap an enemy, torrents of blinding rain, anything with a storm is their calling.

Frost Magik (Uncommon)

Category: Magik

A dangerous form of water magik, Frost will freeze opponents or stop them dead in their tracks. Icy spears, summoning blizzards, even being able to walk upon the surface of water by simply coating it in ice are all different uses.

Shadow Magik (Uncommon)

Category: Magik

Walking in the darkest places of Etherios, the shadows are these Arcanai's home. They can manipulate the dark to conceal themselves, use them offensively and become downright impossible to fight back against when night falls.

Poison Magik (Uncommon)

Category: Magik

In the form of gas or liquid, poison magik is downright terrifying. They can have various types of poison at their tips of their claws or hidden within their fangs. Best hope you are not on their bad side.

Legendary Sigil (Legendary)

Legendary sigils are extremely powerful and are often very complicated, therefore rarely seen. They can exceed the size of the Arcanai's head, have more than three different types infused into a single sigil or even three or more separate sigils! Pretty much anything is possible with a legendary sigil.

161 results found.